Bridges B104 and B119 Replacement

Bridges B104 and B119 Replacement

Tepa is in the initial stages of working with the Bureau of Indian Affairs on these projects that involve the demolition and reconstruction of Bridges B104 and B119. The new Bridge B104 will consist of a three-span structure measuring 122.59 feet in length and 28 feet in width, with 877 feet of new roadway. It will feature a reinforced concrete deck supported by a steel pile substructure and an 8-inch-thick asphalt pavement driving surface. Similarly, the new Bridge B119 will be a three-span structure measuring 112.50 feet in length and 31.8 feet in width, with 452.50 feet of new roadway. It will also have a reinforced concrete deck supported by a steel pile substructure, with a 28-foot-wide driving surface composed of 5-inch-thick aggregate.


Kickapoo Reservation, Kansas


Bureau of Indian Affairs

